Collaborative Procurement
We work as part of a purchasing collaboration so we can buy some of the products and services we need ‘at scale’ to get the best value. Our collaborative partners are:
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT)
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT) – which also supplies our admin functions
North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOECPC).
NHS Supply Chain
Along with LYPFT, we have developed some bespoke collaborations within the Leeds region and are always seeking new partners for strategic procurement exercises. We firmly believe that geographic boundaries should not constrain collaborative opportunities where there is a common goal.
The Trust engages in pan-government collaborations through the Crown Commercial Service Framework agreements.
Other purchasing frameworks we might use include:
- YPO (Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation)
- ESPO (East Shires Purchasing Organisation)
- Pro5
- Health Trust Europe