Preparation for birth and beyond
As a first time parent we would like to invite you to attend the Preparation for Birth and Beyond antenatal course. The course is delivered in a group setting either virtually or face to face. Face to face courses are delivered at a Children’s Centre. The course consists of four antenatal sessions and one post-natal session and aims to prepare you for the many changes having a new baby will bring. The course is unique in that it focuses on the experience of the baby and supports parents and carers to get to know and respond to their baby’s needs.
The course sessions are delivered by members of the Early Start team, which includes a 0-19 Specialist Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor), Family Outreach Worker and Community Midwife.
At the end of the course you may wish to keep in contact with new parents you have met on this course or meet other parents in your area.
The Early Start team will be able to give you information on how to access groups and support across Leeds.
Course outline
Sessions 1-4 are usually delivered over four consecutive weeks, and are approximately two hours duration.
Our developing baby
Your baby’s amazing brain, your developing baby and recognising different baby states
Caring for baby and feeding
Responsive feeding, worries and myths about feeding, breastfeeding, positioning and attachment, bonding and skin to skin, and sources of support
Changes for us and keeping baby safe
Safe sleeping, sleep products, looking after relationships, emotional wellbeing and where to go for support
Giving birth and meeting baby
Delivered by a Midwife. Planning for birth, stages of labour, pain relief options and assisted births, meeting baby, the role of birth partners and the first few weeks with a newborn
Post Birth re-union
You will be invited back after baby is born
Joining a Preparation for Birth and Beyond course
You need to be around 24 weeks pregnant at the time of booking on to a course and pay your community charge to Leeds City Council.
Click here to find out more information regarding dates, times, venues and booking.
Or by searching for Leeds Community Healthcare 0-19 PHINS. If you are unable to access Eventbrite or need help to book a place, please contact us on 0113 843 5683.
“We enjoyed the interactive activities and discussions and learned that I’m not the only one who is nervous.”
“We’ve enjoyed having focussed time to think about our baby and have learnt lots.”
“There’s all the information on the internet, but it’s the fact that you get to ask questions – get our specific concerns out there and get answers to them.”
HENRY programme
This is for parents or carers of children aged 0-5 years. Free to join and is offered using a hybrid model of face to face and virtual programmes run via Microsoft Teams. Both offers are delivered in conjunction with your local children’s centre. Henry covers parenting confidence, physical activity for little ones, what children and families eat, family lifestyle habits and enjoying life as a family.
HENRY is an 8-week group aimed at families with children under 5 years old who live in Leeds. Each week will help you develop a healthy, happy and supportive home for your whole family. Places can be booked using the Eventbrite booking site.
You can find all events on Eventbrite by clicking here
Are you a parent/carer of a child or children aged under 19 years old
Every family across Leeds, starting at pregnancy and continuing through to school leavers, receives support from the 0-19 Public Health Integrated Nursing Service (formerly known as Health Visiting and School Nursing). We would like to bring parent/ carer views to our service delivery. If you are interested in understanding how we work as a service and sharing your thoughts, please come join our Parent Participation Group.
If you are interested or would like further information please contact Patient Experience Team with your contact details by email at