Public Health Nursing
Public Health Nursing We are here to offer you support and information to help you and your family stay as healthy as possible.
How we can help
Pregnancy (by 34 weeks of pregnancy)
A 0-19 Specialist Public Health Nurse who specialises in Health Visiting, will receive information about your pregnancy from your midwife.
All pregnant women will receive a personal child health record (PCHR), also known as the ‘red book’, through the post. This details the support we can provide you and useful information before your child is born along with how to get in touch with us. You can use your PCHR to record your child’s weight and height, vaccinations and other important information.
When baby arrives (10-14 days following delivery)
We will visit you again at your home and share information around feeding, safe sleeping and caring for your baby. We’ll review your baby’s development and discuss how you’re feeling and any extra help you may need.
6-10 week visit
We will visit you at home to discuss your baby’s development and wellbeing. We will listen to how you are all feeling physically and emotionally and share information on topics such as feeding, immunisations and settling your baby.
Aged 8-12 months and 2-2½ years
We offer developmental reviews for your baby/child at both these ages. These will usually take place either in a community setting such as a health centre or in your home by a 0-19 Family Health Worker.
Aged 4-5
We will take your child’s height and weight an undertake vision screening. Usually this will take place in your child’s school when they are in reception and you will receive a letter about it. Prior to your child starting primary school we will send you a questionnaire. It will ask questions about your child’s health to see if there is any support you or your child may need.
Aged 10-11
For children in year 6 in a Leeds City Council run school, we will take your child’s weight and height in line with the National Child Measurement Programme. This will take place in your child’s school and you will receive information about it.
It’s a free, but important, health check. The NCMP involves measuring your child’s height and weight. They will remain fully clothed, but will be asked to remove their shoes. No individual measurements will be given to school staff or other children and all the information we gather will be treated confidentially. Your child’s results will be sent to you through the post. It will not be shared with the school without your consent.
If you do not want your child to be included in the National Child Measurement Programme please call us on 0113 843 5683 to let us know.
You can also find out more on the NHS website.
Aged 11-19
We will support your child in a range of ways: emotional health, weight management, healthy relationships ensuring those with long term illnesses and other needs get extra support when needed. We help young people throughout their school life to reach their full potential.
Your child can text a 0-19 Specialist Public Health Nurse using ChatHealth (a confidential text messaging service) on 07520 619 750. They will receive real-time advice between (8.30am-4.30pm, Mon-Fri) on all kinds of health issues such as sexual health, emotional health and wellbeing, bullying, healthy eating and general health concerns.
Aged 19-25
We continue to support young people with additional needs up to the age of 25 and their families.
Extra help
Further support is also on hand for families when they need it, including breastfeeding, bed wetting, emotional difficulties, oral health, bereavement and bullying. We run well baby clinics, and should you feel you require an appointment at one of these or need advice you are able to speak with one of our 0-19 family health nurses over the telephone on a daily basis on a range of topics such as behaviour, sleep or toilet training. Please contact us through our single point of admin (SPA)
We are working in conjunction with our colleagues at Leeds City Council Children Centres and offer self-weigh facilities at a number of baby and toddler groups. Please contact your local children centre for further information.
We also work with local health and social care services to support families who have additional needs. Some examples include if your child has a special education need or disability (SEND), a medical condition or there may be concerns about the safety of your child. We will work to make sure your child is safe and get the services and care they need.
Please speak to a member of the 0-19 Public Health Integrated Nursing Service if you or your family would like additional support.
For information about keeping your child healthy you can visit the Healthier Together website.