Infant Feeding Support
Information about the breastfeeding support we offer to families.
Breastfeeding and Responsive Feeding
Breastfeeding is the natural and healthiest way to feed your baby. Any amount of breastfeeding is beneficial. Exclusively breastfeeding your baby for 6 months offers the best nutrition and protection. Continued breastfeeding alongside solid food will support your baby’s health, wellbeing, growth and development to be the best that it can.
We support parents to make an informed choice about how they would like to feed their baby. We support parents to feed their babies in whichever way they choose, with a focus on responsive feeding.
This section provides information to help you get breastfeeding off to a good start support you throughout your feeding journey with information and sources of support.
- Is the only natural food designed for you baby
- Protects baby against infections and diseases
- Provides health benefits to baby and the breastfeeding parent
- Is available whenever and wherever your baby needs feeding (at the right temperature)
- Helps breastfeeding parents to build a strong physical and emotional bond with their baby
- Is free!
For babies, breastfeeding reduces the risk of:
- Severe diarrhoea and vomiting
- Chest infections
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Ear infections
- Cardiovascular disease
- Obesity
Breastfeeding also lowers the breastfeeding parent’s risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, osteoporosis (weak bones in later life), Type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Positioning and Attachment:
It is important to ensure the correct positioning and attachment of baby at the breast. When your baby is well positioned and attached, they will find it easier to feed well and it will be comfortable for the breastfeeding parent.
In this video, a breastfeeding counsellor helps a mother to position and attach her baby to the breast:
This clip shows how ineffective attachment happens and how it can cause sore nipples:
Responsive Breastfeeding:
Breastfeeding Support
We have achieved Gold UNICEF Baby Friendly Accreditation, which celebrates excellent and sustained practice in support of infant feeding and parent-infant relationships. We can provide and signpost families to a wide range of breastfeeding support across Leeds:
- Preparation for Birth and Beyond (PBB): PBB is an Antenatal course available to all first-time parents to help them to prepare for their baby’s arrival. Topics include baby’s brain development, feeding, birth, sleep and relationships. You can find out more from your midwife or by contacting our Single Point of Access (SPA) on 0113 8435683. We are currently offering these courses virtually and face to face across the city, during the day and evening.
- Leeds Maternity Breastfeeding Clinic: This clinic is run by Midwives and Support Workers in the Leeds Maternity Infant Feeding Team. The clinic offers personalised support to women and babies who encounter breastfeeding challenges up to 28 days post birth. Email for further information or to self-refer.
- 1:1 Virtual Feeding Support: If you need any general feeding advice, please call our Single Point of Access on 0113 8435683
- Breastfeeding Peer Support Groups: Leeds Bosom Buddies run groups across Leeds, offering breastfeeding information and support, led by trained peer supporters. All breastfeeding parents are welcome! See Leeds Bosom Buddies on Facebook for the latest information and groups. Our 0-19 Family Heath Workers also attend several groups every week.
- Breast Pump Loan Scheme: Contact your local Children’s Centre ( or Leeds Bosom Buddies for further information.
- Enhanced Breastfeeding Support: Families can be referred for Enhanced Breastfeeding Support by their 0-19 Specialist Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor). Enhanced Breastfeeding Practitioners support families in their own homes and have a special interest in Breastfeeding.
Useful information:
Healthy Diet when Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding and Returning to Work