Your feedback and experience
Tell us about your experience of our services using our Friends and Family Test and patient satisfaction surveys.

Overall, how was your experience of our service?
The NHS Friends and Family Test gives you the opportunity to feedback on the care you have received. This gives us a better understanding of the needs of our patients and families which helps us to make sure the services we provide are of excellent standard and fit for purpose.
Patients and service users are able to rate their experience using a ‘very good’ to ‘very poor’ scale, and provide a written comment explaining what is working well and what is not. This helps us to shape our services and supports us to work in partnership with the community we serve.
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust continuously looks for ways to improve the quality of the care it gives to its patients.
We would really like to hear about your experience of our services.
Thinking about the services we provide
For more information about the Friends and Family Test, please contact the Patient Experience Team on 0113 220 8585 or email lcht.lch.pet@nhs.net or discuss with your healthcare practitioner.
We want to hear your comments, ideas and suggestions about our services and how we can make them better.
Become a friend of Leeds Community Healthcare
We also seek feedback from our main stakeholders, our patients, on how they feel we are performing as a Trust. By becoming a Friend of the Trust, you will have the opportunity to put forward your feedback and suggestions on what we are doing well and what we can improve. You can sign up to become a Friend of LCH by emailing lcht.lch.pet@nhs.net
Commitment to Carers
Leeds Community Healthcare is part of the Leeds ambition to be the best at identifying carers, the best at recognising and valuing the contribution that carers make, the best at promoting carers own health and wellbeing and the best at supporting working carers. We are proud to be a part of the Citywide Commitment to Carers.