Thinking about using a camera or other equipment to monitor someone’s care?
Why should I read this page?
You should read this page if you are thinking about using a camera or sound recorder to monitor the way you, or a relative, is being looked after, for example by a community nurse or therapist.
This page may help you to understand our view on the use of recording equipment.
What can I do if I am worried about the care I am receiving from Leeds Community Healthcare?
We understand that a patient or carer may see filming as a way to protect themselves.
By law, our care must meet certain standards. If you don’t think our care is meeting those standards we always want to hear from you. We will always listen to your concerns and act upon them whether you have a video/sound recording of the care or not.
If you are worried you can raise your concern with a senior member of your care team. If you don’t feel that you are being heard by them you can contact the Patient Experience Team.
What is the Patient Experience Team?
The Patient Experience Team is a separate non clinical team based within Leeds Community Healthcare Trust. The role of the team is to receive your feedback and to deal with anything you are worried about, from minor concerns to more formal complaints.
The Patient Experience team take all concerns seriously and use your feedback to take prompt and fair action. We also share your concerns appropriately with relevant services and staff. It is important that they are made aware of any concerns you may have as this means we can act quickly to improve your care.
The Patient Experience Team can be contacted on 0113 220 8585 or via email at
Who can I contact if my concerns are very urgent?
If your concerns are very serious, for example you are worried that a child or an adult who is vulnerable (such as a person with a disability or an older person) is being abused, harmed or neglected you should contact the local authority’s safeguarding team.
- To report concerns about an adult telephone: 0113 222 4401
- To report concerns about a child telephone: 0113 222 4403
If you believe there is immediate danger to the person receiving care dial 999 and ask for police assistance.
What do I need to think about before using recording equipment?
Using a camera or other recording equipment might set your mind at ease about any concerns you may have. It might help you identity poor care but it can also impact on other people’s privacy, including your relative and other people in your home, for example, visiting care teams.
How will it affect people’s privacy and dignity?
People receiving health and care services have the same right to privacy and dignity as everyone else. A camera that captures intimate personal cares affects their privacy.
You should only use recording equipment with the permission (consent) of the person whose care you are concerned about, and only in their private room. Children under the age of 16 may have capacity to give their consent.
If the person does not have the capacity to give their consent (i.e. they are unable to understand the consequences of their decision), it is important that you feel sure that you are doing the ‘right thing’ or ‘acting in their best interests’.
You can get someone’s consent by speaking to them openly. It is a good idea to write down what you agree with them. The important thing is that they give you their permission. When you discuss recording a person you should also be clear with them about what you will do with any recordings you make.
What will Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust do?
If you tell us you are using a camera or sound recorder…
If you are worried enough to be thinking about using recording equipment, we want to look more closely at your concerns and work with you to find solutions.
We support our teams to allow patients to openly and honestly record consultations. We do this because we want to make sure the information we give to you is in a format you understand.
If you think that video/sound recording a consultation, conversation or treatment is the right thing to do for you or a relative we ask you to:
- Be open and honest with us about any recording.
- Make sure recording does not get in the way of the care we are trying to give to you or your relative.
- Keep recordings you make private and confidential – they should be for personal use. It is your responsibility to keep them safe and secure.
If you tell us you are thinking of filming or sound recording we will:
- Make sure your concerns are addressed – including safeguarding concerns.
- Make sure that the level of care you receive remains the same high quality.
- Listen to your reasons for why you want to film or record and work with you to find the best solution.
- Make a note in the patient’s health record that says that video/sound recording has been discussed and is taking place.
- Take the appropriate civil or legal action if we believe video/sound recordings have been misused.
If you don’t tell us you are using a video or sound recorder…
We believe an open and honest relationship is always the best one in which to give and receive care. We ask that you let us know if you are recording, or intend to record, members of our care team.
As registered Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Professionals we will always respect individual choice and we cannot stop you from secretly recording your care. A note may be made in a patient’s health care record if a care team member believes they may have been secretly filmed. Civil or criminal action may follow if there is found to be misuse of any such filming or recordings made by an individual, or their family, whilst receiving our care.
Thank you for working with us.