About Us
Find out more about Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

About Us
We were formed in 2011 to provide community healthcare services for the people of Leeds. We deliver services in or close to people’s homes and work with the whole family. Our 3,000 strong workforce includes nurses, therapists, pharmacists, non-registered and registered clinical staff – all supported by our corporate head office.
We often work in partnership with other parts of the NHS including social care providers, the criminal justice system and the charity/voluntary sector. We always aim to create joined up services which give people the care and support they need. We also provide some very specialised services across the Yorkshire and the Humber area.
Partnership work is of great importance to us. We are proud of our work with partners to deliver the city’s ambition for Leeds to be the best city for health and well-being. If you want to tell us what’s gone well or where we might be able to do better, please use this form to give us your views. We listen to our patients and learn from what they tell us.
This website aims to give you lots of information about what we do. Some of it is written on web pages, some of it is in documents that you can find in our Access to Information document library.
Our Vision and Values
Our vision and values guide how we behave and the standards we try to work to:
Our Vision:
“We provide the best possible care in every community.”
We will achieve vision this by:
- Working with children, adults and families to deliver high quality care
- Being a good partner
- Developing and valuing our staff
- Using our resources wisely and efficiently
Our Values:
- We are open and honest and do what we say we will
- We treat everyone as an individual
- We are continuously listening, learning and improving
Our ‘How We Work’ Behaviours:
These are listed to the right of this page. All our teams should work in line with these behaviours.
Today I Cried…
As part of our AGM 2021, we made the below video to show the experience of our staff throughout the Coronavirus pandemic. The poem you can hear over the video was written and read by Fiona Johnson, Associate Community Matron at LCH.