Clinic Appointments
Guidance on attending your appointment in a clinic

Keeping you safe
Our priority is to keep you and our staff safe and we want your visit to any of our services to be the best it can be. So, we’ve made some changes to our clinic areas and introduced guidance that you’ll need to follow.
Before your appointment you will be contacted and asked a couple of questions to determine whether you might be ill with any of the symptoms of coronavirus. The questions have been introduced for the safety and wellbeing of all patients and staff.
Can I bring someone to my appointment with me?
Can I bring someone to my appointment with me?
- We ask that you come to the clinic on your own, if you can.
- If you need help with walking, communicating, or have other care needs, a carer or family member who lives in the same house can come with you.
- Where possible, one parent only should come to clinic with their child.
- Please avoid bringing any other children to the appointment. If you have difficulty with this please call the number on your appointment letter and speak to a member of the team who can talk to you about possible options.
Arriving at your appointment
Arriving at your appointment
Arrival time
Please try to arrive no more than 5 minutes before your appointment start time.
If you use public transport to travel to your appointment you must wear a mask or face covering.
If you arrive early by car please wait in your car until it is time to come in. Some of our services may ask you to wait in your car until it is time for your appointment.
If you have arrived by public transport then you may wait in the waiting room of the building.
If you are very early we may need to ask you to come back nearer to your appointment start time. This is so we can keep a safe distance between people in the clinic and waiting areas.
Entering a clinic
When you enter the clinic building please use the hand gel provided.
Let our reception team know you have arrived, as part of your check-in a member of the team will ask if you, or anyone in your household or bubble have any symptoms of coronavirus.
If it is safe to do so you will then be shown to the waiting area.
If you have any concerns about arriving at clinic please call the number on your appointment letter. A member of our team can talk to you about how we can support your needs.
Face coverings and social distancing
Face coverings and social distancing
Face coverings
All patients and visitors must wear a face covering at all times when visiting any of our clinics.
If you have your own face covering, you must wear this to your appointment. On your arrival, clinical staff may ask you to wear a surgical face mask whilst you are with us.
Face coverings do not replace the need to follow social distancing rules but may prevent you passing on coronavirus before you have symptoms
- A cloth face covering should cover your mouth and nose while allowing you to breathe comfortably. It can be a scarf or bandana that ties behind the head. When wearing a face covering, take care to tuck away any loose ends. You can also wear a homemade material mask or the surgical style masks that are sold in supermarkets.
- If you don’t have your own mask the team you are visiting will provide you with a surgical mask to wear.
Social Distancing
It’s essential to keep your distance from other people – including staff and other patients –where this is possible, so as to limit the risk of spreading the virus.
Try to keep a two metre gap between you and the NHS staff you meet during your visit if you can. Please also make sure that there is a two metre gap between you and any other people you meet (for example, in the waiting area).
At your appointment
At your appointment
When you arrive
One of our team will collect you from the waiting room and take you to a clinic the room for your appointment.
All staff will be wearing a surgical mask, apron and gloves. In some teams goggles or a visor may also be worn.
The team will need to wear this to keep you safe and to protect them too.
At the end of your clinic appointment
We will ask you to use the hand gel again as you leave the clinic building.
Arriving late to an appointment
Arriving late to an appointment
If you arrive late to your appointment we may need to rebook it for another day and time.
If you have any concerns about arriving at clinic please call the number on your appointment letter. A member of our team can talk to you about how we can support your needs.
For more information you can watch our animated video below:
You can also watch our easy access video below: