Alison Lowe OBE
Non-Executive Director
Alison was appointed as a Non-Executive Director in December 2020. She chairs the Charitable Funds Committee and is a member of the Quality Committee and Nominations and Remuneration Committee.
Alison has worked for voluntary organisations for nearly 30 years including as Chief Executive of Touchstone, a mental health charity in Leeds and wider West Yorkshire for nearly 20 years.
Alison is currently the Deputy Mayor for Police and Crime in West Yorkshire. Alison has also been involved in local government for 29 years as a Local Councillor representing Armley and she was Deputy Lord Mayor in 2003/2004. Alison was made an Honorary Alderwoman of Leeds in 2020.
Alison has substantial experience in developing inclusive leadership teams and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws by the University of Leeds for her contribution to Equality, Diversion and Inclusion across 30 years working in the region.