Homeless and Health Inclusion
We provide support to make sure homeless people leave hospital with an effective support network.

Homeless and Health Inclusion
Please note: This service continues to operate as normal during COVID-19.
We provide individual support to vulnerable homeless adults. We offer medical and psycho-social support and timely, open, and honest discussions to help our patients make their own decisions.
Our patients may be street homeless, living in tents or staying in temporary accommodation or sofa surfing. They may have had a failed tenancy in the past or are struggling to maintain a current one. They may have been held against their own will or be at risk from another individual or groups of individuals.
We visit victims of domestic violence, women who are sex working, vulnerable migrants or people coming into Leeds from another part of the UK who have no place to stay on discharge from hospital. They may have an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol or require support with a disability or a long-term condition.
Our staff visit patients in hospital and at St George’s Crypt – a homeless charity supporting people living on the streets into accommodation. They support and help facilitate good discharge planning and ongoing care. This also includes working in partnership with medical teams, prescribing for those with addictions and encouraging engagement/admission.
We provide a Gypsy and Traveller outreach nursing service and visit Gypsy and Traveller sites and roadside encampments. We provide support and facilitation to services that may struggle to engage with people who may not have a permanent address and help those who may be transient to engage with health services.
We receive referrals directly from health professionals and other partner organisations, these include:
- Hospital wards
- Forward Leeds Hospital In-reach Team
- Other partner organisations such as Street Outreach Team, Basis, Joanna Project, St George’s Crypt