Neighbourhood Teams
We provide citywide community nursing and therapy services.

We provide care and support which helps people to stay as well as possible for as long as possible in their own homes. We make a big contribution to some of the health priorities for Leeds by reducing:
- avoidable emergency admissions to hospitals
- the length of time people stay in hospital (bed days)
- premature admission to long term care
- admission to residential and care homes
- supporting patients at the end of life to die in their preferred place of care
- improving patient or service user experience
Leeds Community Healthcare staff deliver services in a range of settings, this may be in your home, in a clinic or by telephone or virtual consultation and we will continue to assess the best way in which we deliver your care for your particular needs.
What we do
- we make sure people have the right support, at the right time, in the right place from the right person.
- we provide patient-centred health and social care in the community
- we help patients to maximise their potential – if they have complex needs, we work with partner organisations to provide support. This means care is seamless and patients don’t have to repeat their story.
- we are clear about our roles, skills and the experience we bring to the team. We meet regularly; have shared goals for our patients and performance targets. We tackle challenges together.
- we know the local community – this helps us to work effectively with our patients and encourage them to live healthy and active lives.
- we support people to remain in their own homes and live as independently as possible with the best quality of life and living conditions.
- we give patients the information, advice and tools they need to help themselves.
- we promote self-management to restore confidence and reduce hospital admissions, professional visits and dependency on medication.
Who’s it for?
The service provides community nursing and therapy services for patients aged 16 and over whose health needs are best met by community based nursing and therapy services.
This is a referral-only service, Health professionals can Download the Leeds Adult Community Services Referral Form
Once this form is completed please email to: lcht.gateway.leeds@nhs.net