Celebrating 17 New Queen’s Nurses
November 29, 2023
Seventeen nurses at Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust have been awarded the prestigious title of Queen’s Nurse in recognition of their high level of commitment to patient care and nursing practice.
They join the 21 Queen’s Nurses already working across adult, specialist and children’s community services, including the Homeless and Health Inclusion Service, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service and the Long COVID Service.
The Queen's Nurse Institute supports innovation and best practice, to improve care for patients. The title is available to individual nurses who are dedicated to delivering and promoting the high standards of patient care in the community.
One of the Queen’s Nurses, Vicky Jackson, who is the Clinical Head of Service for the Liaison and Diversion Team has been a nurse for 19 years, qualifying in 2004 as a registered mental health nurse.
Vicky who lives in Hull said: “The Queen’s Nurse title is an amazing achievement for me personally and professionally. I have spent years working hard to give back and feel so unbelievably proud to be included in such an amazing group of practitioners with the same vision. Working within the criminal justice arena is challenging and rewarding in equal measures. It allows me to help those who may be struggling to seek the support they need to have a stable and settled life.”
Also awarded the title, Mike Brennan is a Clinical Education Facilitator from Swillington. He has been a qualified nurse for seven years and has worked in the NHS for 11 years.
Mike said: “I really love my job; I like to know that I’m making a difference. In this role I’ve been able to achieve many things, including leading a development programme for non-registered staff working within the neighbourhood teams, redesigning a new phlebotomy training programme and also delving into digital innovation within healthcare. Whilst working on a Community Nursing Innovation Project with the Queen’s Nursing Institute, I’ve really been able to develop something that can be used by all who work for and with Leeds Community Healthcare. Being awarded the Queen’s Nurse is truly an honour and I intend to continue to champion the amazing work that goes on every day in community nursing.”
Rebekah Besford, Clinical Lead for the Homeless and Health Inclusion Team (HHIT) was also given the Queen’s Nurse title. She has been a qualified nurse for over 22 years, spending ten years volunteering in Mozambique, before returning to Leeds to work for Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.
Rebekah who lives in Chapeltown said: “Receiving the Queen’s Nurse title and being recognised for my contribution to community nursing is an honour. I will work with the QNI to continue to advocate for people to have equitable access to health and social care.”
To receive the title, nurses must prove that they have over five years’ experience in community nursing and provide written statements demonstrating their knowledge and expertise.
Steph Lawrence MBE, Executive Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professionals at Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and fellow Queen’s Nurse, said: “I am delighted to welcome seventeen new Queens Nurses to the organisation. As a Queens Nurse and a Fellow of the QNI myself it gives me huge pride to now have a total of 38 Queens Nurses in the organisation. This is a wonderful achievement and testament to our fantastic staff here in LCH.”
The new Queen’s Nurses for 2023 are; Laura Stones, Infection Prevention and Control Nurse Specialist, Mike Brennan, Clinical Education Facilitator, Jen Lodge, Clinical Nurse Specialist (Continence, Urology and Colorectal Service), Hayley Ingleson, Senior Practice Learning Facilitator, Rebekah Besford, Clinical Lead (Homeless and Health Inclusion Team), Shaun Major-Preece (GP Confed), Jude McKaig, Operation Service Manager, Kirsty Jones, Clinical Head of Portfolio, Temba Ndrigiu, Head of Clinical Development (Nursing), Gemma Cannon, Clinical Pathway Lead, Rebecca (Bex) Halder, Service Manager (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), Rachel Hitchenor, 0-19 Specialist Community Public Health Nurse, Hannah Brady-Sawant, District Nurse and Clinical Research Fellow (Long COVID Service), Vicky Jackson, Clinical Head of service, Liaison and Diversion Team), Brooke Bonnington, Clinical Lead (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), Sarah O'Donnell, Strategic Lead (Primary care and Integration) and Amy Whincup, Clinical Trainer.